Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Guide to upgrade K750i firmware

I've successfully updated K750i firmware today. Its pretty simple. All you need is a
1. DCU-60 USB cable
2. Internet connection
3. Macromedia Flash Player installed on Internet Explorer.

Next, download the software:
1. Open Sony Ericsson D750/K750 USB drivers. Download
2. Visit Sony Ericsson Update Service. Download UpdateService_Inst_x.x.xx.xx.exe
3. Save all the download files into a folder. Remember where you save them.
4. Extract and install both files you download earlier.
5. Restart the computer.
6. Launch Update Service icon on the desktop.
7. Follow the instruction. (turn off phone, remove sim card, and etc)
8. Be patient. It takes about 15-30mins during firmware upgrade
9. Congratulations! You have the latest firmware.

Ants k750i photos

Gloomy woods

Conical Hat

Place of work

Rise and Shine

Need a light?

What's your order?

Marlboro - puff desert after dinner

Bird flu capsule

Ghostly Complex

I want to believe - k750i photos

Terrifying pincers

Crazy Frog k750i photos

Omega 3 - cancer prevention agent